In talk.abortion, Erasmus "The Mannequin" Brown
on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 01:29:51 -0500
Post by Erasmus "The Mannequin" BrownPost by r***@can.ozaPost by Ray FischerPost by BillyPost by Ray FischerPost by Rev. Donald SpitzEnjoyed seeing that babykilling abortionist get whacked
on TNT's Law and Order tonight.
The face of "Pro-Life".
The face of "right to choose"
Pro-liar porn.
Stop projecting, your type are screwed in the head, pro-death
'Pro-choicers' clap after partial-birth abortion
There's no such medical term as "partia-birth abortion."
Incompetence hasn't stopped us before. Consider, for example,
the campaign against "demon rum"; since rum is actually a
fermentation product (I don't know offhand what) no demons
are involved in its manufacture. And then there's "killer weed";
the only fatalities might have been economic though there are
issues about smoking it (mostly the same as ciggies, with a
stronger smell). Maybe marijuana will resurface once paper
becomes a thing of the past -- which isn't all that likely;
seems to me we get more junk mail than regular, now.
A lot more.
And of course "partial-birth abortion" makes it sound like
some sort of ghastly, horrific procedure. (It's fairly
traumatic, as I understand it, in a medical sense -- a bit
like ripping off one's arm except that in this case the
arm socket would actually regenerate; the placenta helps,
to some extent. Of course arms don't have souls, at least
if one believes the ultra-Right. Legs were sawn off
*without* anesthetic during the Civil War -- a fact many
may ignore or even not have known. Today doctors using
such methods would be labeled barbaric -- general anaesthesia
is now generally employed.)
There are times I get the sad feeling that, far from
being the noble, unemotional (or coldly, brutally logical,
depending on whether they're friend or foe) beings robots
are occasionally portrayed as in the movies, we'd probably
end up making robots just like us. Isaac Asimov does
hint at this in at least one of his stories, where a
robot discovers religion while dealing with a solar storm
at a power station. A copy of "Battlestar Galactica" --
in book form -- that i have also hints at the notion of
"good" and "evil" being very simplistic concepts, among
the enemy Cylons, anyway. Of course "demon rum" can be
used for enjoyment; it and its other spirits can be used
to loosen up the inhibitions, or at least deaden the pain.
(Maybe too much, if taken in excess; it is, after all,
a neural inhibitor, and a poison. I'd have to look but
suspect alcohol overdose victims stop breathing, and it
only takes 0.5% to be fatal.)
And of course computers can be used for good or for evil.
The medical dictionary on the Web is to some extent
counterbalanced by various hate sites -- Ernst Zundel
comes to mind though a more relevant variant would be the
abortionist "dripping blood" variant calling for murder
of prominent abortionists. I don't see
calling for the murder of GWBush. Maybe his ouster, at
the very most. (They aren't happy with Alito, I suspect,
but they wouldn't want him dead, either. Removed from
power, yes...but not dead.)
Hate wears many suits, tailored for each occasion,
presumably. Do anti-abortionists really hate themselves
and women? A rather irksome question (this isn't
crossposted to alt.psychoanalysis.parlor, is it? :-) ) but
one wonders at times. Presumably, of course, they also
wonder about us and whether we hate babies or something.
I prefer to look at the entire picture, which includes
women. :-)
(Women occasionally accuse us men of undressing them with
our eyes. Of course that's Yet Another Force that can
be used for good or for evil: imagination -- or, for that
matter, sex.)
Of course we can do nothing but view the world through
our own filters, though occasionally we can modify those
filters, transcending our own limitations. At least,
I for one hope so, for all our sakes.
#191, *** -- insert random brain cleaner here
It's still legal to go .sigless.