The Metropolitan Police & ECHG, English Churches Housing Group 05801 The Riverside Group
(too old to reply)
You For It
2008-01-05 14:19:30 UTC
The Homophobic Hate campaign by English Churches Housing Group (ECHG),
Hammersmith & Fulham Council and The Metropolitan Police is still
continuing – at the moment my tormentors think it is acceptable to run
a Hate campaign and they do not think they have done anything wrong.

The authorities know who I am, but they think it is acceptable for a
group of people to run a homophobic hate campaign.

I do love my tormentors they are so predicable – hopefully, now that
the Christmas period is over, my tormentors will calm down – when I do
get an investigation into this hate campaign, most people will be
horrified at the hate I have to put up with on a daily basis.

My Tormentors take an enormous pleasure in making my life a living
hell - my Tormentors see me as a soft target. I am not scared of them
nor am I afraid of them - I will get a full criminal investigation
into this hate campaign - on my terms and I will not shut-up until I
get to the bottom of everything these criminals have done - I mean
everything and in the process I will clear my name which my Tormentors
have elegantly blackened.

When the whole truth comes out of what has happened - you will find
that I am a Law-abiding citizen and a veteran of the Falklands
You For It
2008-01-24 19:18:37 UTC
divert them and to procure for them all kinds of pleasures.

The king is surrounded by persons whose only thought is to divert the king
and to prevent his thinking of self. For he is unhappy, king though he be,
if he think of himself.

This is all that men have been able to discover to make themselves happy.
And those who philosophise on the matter, and who think men unreasonable for
spending a whole day in chasing a hare which they would not have bought,
scarce know our nature. The hare in itself would not screen us from the
sight of death and calamities; but the chase, which turns away our attention
from these, does screen us.

The advice given to Pyrrhus, to take the rest which he was about to seek
with so much labour, was full of difficulties.

To bid a man live quietly is to bid him live happily. It is to advise him to
be in a state perfectly happy, in which he can think at leisure without
finding therein a cause of distress. This is to misunderstand nature.

As men who naturally understand their own condition avoid nothing so much as
rest, so there is nothing they leave undone in seeking turmoil. Not that
they have an instinctive knowledge of true happiness...

So we are wrong in blaming them. Their error does not lie in seeking
excitement, if they seek it only as a diversion; the evil is that they seek
it as if the possession of the objects of their quest would make them really
happy. In this respect it is right to call their quest a vain one. Hence in
all this both the censurers and the censured do not understand man's true

And thus, when we take the exception against them, that what they seek with
such fervour cannot satisfy them, if they replied--as they should do if they
considered the matter thoroughly--that they sought in it only a violent and
impetuous occup
